Wednesday 2 May 2012


I find that things usually go well until they don’t; it’s all good until it’s not and then it’s good again but that’s only until the next time that it’s not. I find that things usually go up until they come down; it’s all heading up and travelling well and then it’s all heading down and getting hard to catch but there are times when the up keeps going up and that’s good unless the up never stops and you lose it and that’s bad but that’s only bad until you find it and then it’s good again until it’s not.

I find that things go in cycles but sometimes reverse themselves to go in reverse cycles and then sometimes reverse themselves to go in reverse cycles of the reversed cycles. I find that things are quite unpredictable until they become predictable and then they become unpredictable the moment you try to predict the predictable unless you predict that the predictable will become unpredictable from your prediction, then they stay predictable unless you predicted that they would not.

I find that I care more for those closest to me unless those closest to me are those farthest from me in which case I care more for those farthest from me and not those closest to me who are not those closest to me but those farthest from me. I find that I want things more if they are out of reach unless I take a step to bring them within reach in which case the things that were within reach before my step are now out of reach and wanted more by me.

I find life travels well until it doesn’t and my mood lifts until it falls or rises out of control and this happens in cycles that sometimes reverse in predictable ways that are unpredictable when I try to predict them. I find my life isolated when those closest to me are farthest from me and those farthest from me are the closest and I always want to step out and grab the farthest until I realise the closest are now farthest and I want them more.

It is good until it is not so I smile when it is and smile more when it is not in readiness for when it is again.

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